
Introducing the Creative Doodle Book

You might not think that a global pandemic would be especially fertile ground for launching an online visual art project, and yet the Creative Doodle Book seems to have been exactly what people needed!

Introducing the Creative Doodle Book

You might not think that a global pandemic would be especially fertile ground for launching an online visual art project, and yet the Creative Doodle Book seems to have been exactly what people needed!

This was not the original plan for the Doodle Book, but back in March we worked quickly to adapt the initial theatre focussed offer into a broader, more accessible creative offer. We worked with artists with learning disabilities at Mind the Gap and were surprised by the positive response – even from those who proclaimed not to like ‘art’ – so we thought it might be good to share further!

With funding from UK Research and Innovation, we have piloted 4 weeks of workshops with 4 companies, and plan to work with many more through 2021. The Doodle Book gives suggestions for playful, creative activities, and these suggestions are woven into workshops that bring groups together and share knowledge about a whole range of different artists – and all through the magic of Zoom!

We’ve turned household objects into art, inspired by Javier Perez Estrella, explored our own creative journeys courtesy of Frida Kahlo and played tricks on our eyes thanks to Bridget Riley. It’s been an unexpected joy in the midst of a deeply uncertain time, and I think we’ve all been grateful for that.

Blog by Vicky Ackroyd

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