What’s Next for Mind the Gap
2018/2019 has been an incredibly successful year for Mind the Gap, seeing us deliver our largest production and project to date.

2018/2019 has been an incredibly successful year for Mind the Gap, seeing us deliver our largest production and project to date, ZARA, in collaboration with Walk the Plank. Alongside this major public output, we have run a bumper Academy and Engagement year, with many hundreds of people with learning disabilities receiving training and opportunities across the country. We have also seen more of our Artists achieving their own funding and employment opportunities than ever before.
On top of all of this, we managed to find the time to develop our new major touring production, a little space, in collaboration with Gecko, which previewed in autumn 2019. The show will continue to be Mind the Gap’s public facing output throughout 2020 with performances confirmed in at least 10 cities in the UK and Ireland.
The past three years have shown that strong external collaborations and partnerships enhance Mind the Gap’s work, reputation and creative outputs. Creative partners have included Alan Lyddiard (Contained), Walk the Plank and Emergency Exit Arts (ZARA), The Kazimier (Mirror Mirror), and Gecko (a little space). We believe there is more to explore and learn through new collaborations and partnerships and wish to continue developing this strand of our work alongside work made solely by Mind the Gap.
So what’s next?
2020 will see Bradford, and Mind the Gap, in the exciting position of steering two major arts development projects for the city: Bradford Producing Hub (BPH) and Creative People and Places (The LEAP), both of which Mind the Gap were key partners in developing. These two major projects together will bring in over £6 million to Bradford’s arts infrastructure, and will create many new opportunities for artists to receive and be part of training, commissions, community connections, creating and hosting performances, and increasing the reach and impact of their work.
With all this in mind, alongside the ongoing tour of a little space, we have allocated the next year as a period of development: of people, ideas, practice. Throughout this development and exploration phase, we will continue to seek the next ‘big ideas’ for Mind the Gap through the belief that these ideas can be led by anyone, at any point in their development or journey with the company.
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