Creative Doodle Book

The Creative Doodle Book is a hands-on resource developed by Mind the Gap and York St John University to support socially distanced community arts practice during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The disruption caused by Covid-19 forced many community groups to drastically adapt or even suspend their activities. This was particularly impactful on organisations working with marginalised and vulnerable people.

During ‘normal’ times the arts have a vital role in supporting resilience through providing opportunities for creative expression. During the Covid-19 crisis, it is even more vital to find ways for everyone to express their creativity in community contexts.

Between November 2020 and May 2021 the Creative Doodle Book project provided exciting ways for this to happen with over 3,500 books distributed and 120 sessions delivered to groups including students, people with learning disabilities and autism, people living with dementia and young offenders.

The short video below shares insights and experiences of the project from both the delivery team and the participants.

Creative Doodle Book: Together While Apart

“It landed on our doorsteps at a great time. It can really enhance our practice and find new ways of how we can support our members. I think it is bringing positivity for sure, when it has been quite dark and challenging times.” 

Claire Reda, Indepen-dance

“I like the open endedness of it. It feels that it’s an opportunity to be creative and therefore it’s open to anybody.”

Jess McKenzie, About Face Theatre

“It’s brought a really nice lightness to our slightly heavy turn of events over the last couple of months. And we’ve just enjoyed it. It’s always been something we’ve looked forward to doing and everyone feels great at the end of the week.”

Jo Frater, Confidance

“I will certainly be taking stuff forward into the studio when we return to in-person work, as an alternative to the ways that we have been working in the past. So for a practitioner that’s been doing it for 25 years, it certainly invigorated me, which I just wasn’t expecting from an online project.”

Tina Shuker, Theatre Royal Wakefield

“I think creativity comes with having your own voice and being heard. I think a space for creativity during lockdown had a huge impact.”

Jenna Howlett, Fuse Theatre

“The learners got just carried away. You could have given them chocolate all day long and it wouldn’t have given that same feeling.”

Shipley College


Find out more about the Creative Doodle Book project and its outcomes by clicking on the links below.

In partnership with York St John University

Funded by UK Research and Innovation

Originally created to support the Erasmus+ funded Ogmius project


This book contains tasks, instructions, and ideas through which you can explore questions of identity. Identity might be little things about you personally, or big things about your place in the world.

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The book explores representation. This includes both how we present ourselves to other people and how learning disability is represented in the world around us.

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This book explores voice. Voice is what you want to say and how you say it. You can express your voices in different ways – not just by speaking.

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