Tender Radicals


In November 2019 over 80 people gathered at the Albany Theatre in Deptford to discuss the value of community casts in theatre productions.

The Tender Radicals event brought together the North and South community casts from the epic outdoor co-production ZARA as well as partners Walk the Plank and Emergency Exit Arts, community artists and professional companies from across the UK.

We talked about how to create more opportunities for learning disabled people and communities to be engaged in amazing arts projects. We also talked about how working together involves trust, respect, playfulness and exchange, and how participants can be part of a creative process that takes them on an adventurous journey and deepens their engagement with theatre.

There was recognition of how powerful and effective it is to work with community groups on productions, where everyone feels essential and has a sense of purpose and shared ownership.

People learn by doing and producers should explore ways to develop participants’ performance and production skills, giving them confidence, self-esteem and inspiration to engage with other arts experiences.

“Allow time, it takes time, give your time, we always need more time.”

“Co-creation is about starting from the people and stories in the room.”

Watch a video about Tender Radicals

The outcomes of the event will inform future Mind the Gap productions working with community casts. If you’re interested in finding out more about working with a community cast, get in touch!
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